Padiham Painting Saturday 3rd May 2023.

Heywood 1940’s Day  Saturday 14th June 2023.

Padiham On Parade  Saturday 24th June 2023.

The Rossendale Male Voice Choir Jolly Jape 14th July 2023.

Jolly Jape is a recruitment drive for new members to join us.

and a social evening.

(more details to following and times)

Prestwich Running Day Sunday 16th July 2023.

The Rossendale Male Voice Choir Jolly Jape 11th August 2023.

(more details to following and times)

Gawthorpe Hall Open Day Saturday 9th September 2023.

The Rossendale Male Voice Choir Jolly Jape 6th October 2023.

See The Rossendale Male Voice Choir Facebook page for more details.

Aire Valley Running Day Skipton Sunday 8th October 2023.

Helmshore Textile Museum Christmas Fair Saturday 25th November 2023.


Padiham Painting Saturday 14th May 2022.

Live painting drawing and sketching event around the Town Hall and Gawthorpe Hall during the day. we have been running the vintage bus between Padiham and Gawthorpe Hall.


 Gawthorpe Hall Heritage Open Day 17th September 2022.

                     Vintage bus running between Gawthorpe Hall and Padiham Town Centre.

                                    Visit Gawthorpe Hall NT website for more details.


Burnley Bus Company Motor Show 24th September 2022.

There will be various Vintage Buses and Cars and other vintage vehicles, with modern vehicles at the Burnley Bus Station from 11am.

Prestwich Commercial Running Day.

10th July 2021

 9am and departs @11am Prestwich Tesco’s car park for run around local mill towns and back again in aid of charity.

Gawthorpe and Painting Padiham.

11th September 2021 at 8am till 6pm.
With free bus service between Gawthorpe hall and Padiham Town hall.
Please see Painting Padiham website for more info

Helmshore textile museum and Queens street mill Heritage open day.

18th September 2021

free bus service between both sites. Please see the Heritage open day website at both museums for more details.


We’re Back On Track!

On Saturday the 6th November the Rossendale Male Voice Choir will give our first live public performances for nearly 2 years!

Still somewhat restricted by Covid considerations, we’re making this a day of outdoor performances, on the world famous East Lancs Railway.

We’re well chuffed!

Throughout the day, we’ll be hopping on and off the train as it shuttles along the line, with platform singing performances at Rawtenstall, Ramsbottom and Bury.

Come along and enjoy what promises to be a great day out for all the family!